2025 Social Gathering

Change of Arrangements

The Guilds National Gathering which had originally been scheduled for Friday 4th to 6th April 2025 has now been rearranged

This is due to the Grand National at Aintree being held on that same weekend. Most of the hotel accommodation has already been taken and the cost of the accommodation that is still available is high.

When we planned our AGM and Social weekend it appeared the Grand National was on a different date. 

We apologise to all our members for any inconvenience that this may have caused. 

New Date and Location

The national gathering will now be held at Daish’s Abbey Lawn Hotel in Torquay between Mon 20th and Fri 24th October.

The brochure price is £309 which includes evening meal, breakfast and entertainment For those of you requiring a single room there will be a supplemental charge of £10.

There is an early booking discount of £70 per person, (plus a further 5% discount if you pay in full at the time of booking).

Both discounts end on the 15th February 2025 For more details about the hotel or to book online, go to www.daishs.com or tel 01202 638840