Our Formal Name is:
The Baden-Powell Guild UK
But we are also Known as:
The Guild, The B-P Guild or B-PG UK
And we are:
An Organisation for Adults who are, or have been, a member of Scouting, Guiding or Adults of a Like Mind
“Scouting And Guiding Is Not Only A Game For Children, It Is Also A Way Of Life For Adults”
Lord Baden-Powell
The Baden-Powell Guild UK is an independent national organisation of men and women over the age of 18 years, willing to put into practice the principles of life set by the founder of the Scout & Guide Movement, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell.
Based on the Scout/Guide ideals its essential purpose is to assist its members to give service within their communities, and to support Scouting and Guiding on a world, national and local level.
- Scouting SpIrit in Action
- To respect life and human rights and contribute to national and international understanding, especially through friendship, tolerance and respect for others.
- To encourage its Members to Personally keep alive the spirit of the Promise and Law as laid down by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Scout and Guide Movement.
- To encourage its Members to Bring that Spirit into the communities in which they live and work, through active service.
- To encourage its Members that Whilst remembering their other responsibilities, to actively support Scouting, Guiding, and any cause or charity which shall be considered suitable.
You can download our Membership Registration form from the Join Us page
Full Membership
To be eligible for admission to the Guild a person must:
- Have attained the age of 18.
- State acceptance of, & intention to adhere to, the Principles, Aims & Objectives of the Guild.
- Complete to the satisfaction of the branch to which admission is sought, such probationary period as the branch may require.
- Make the Guild promise. (See appendix E of the Guild Constitution)
- Complete a Membership Registration form and pay the annual membership subscription
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is for groups of 5 or more, who wish to obtain membership of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF). The Membership Registration form will be completed annually. The receipt of this and the payment of the annual Associate Membership Subscription will confirm membership.